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Document Folders

Learn how to effectively organize and manage contract documents using Document Folders

Written by Contract Eagle
Updated over 4 months ago

Audience: All Users


This article will show you:

  1. How to set up Document Folders

  2. How to use Document Folders on a Contract

  3. How to set up default folders for Task Management

What are document folders?

Document Folders allow you to organize and group related documents within a contract, making it easier to locate, manage, and track important files.

By grouping documents into folders, you can maintain a clear and organized structure, especially for contracts that involve multiple tasks, amendments, and supporting documents. This feature streamlines document management, improving accessibility and clarity for all users.

Step 1 - Create a new Document Folder

Accessible to Power Users only

1. Go to the Contracts menu -> Maintain Document Folders

2. Click the Add New Document Folder button.

3. In the Document Folders tab, enter a Title for your new Folder.

4. Make selections and enter information into the remaining fields as outlined below and click Save when you’re done.

Folder Description

An information-only field to describe the folder's purpose. This description is not displayed on the contract.

Folder Tag

Used in Custom Forms to place the documents submitted or created into a specific folder.

Sort Order

Determines the folder’s display order on all of the contract screens displaying documents. If no sort order is specified, the folder will appear alphabetically after any entries with a defined sort order.

Business Unit

The business unit determines who can edit this document folder. It does not impact who can view the folder or the documents within the folder on a contract.

In most cases, the business unit should be the 'Default' or top-level business unit.

Step 2 - Assign a Default Folder to a Task

Accessible to Power Users only

Task Management provides for documents to be filed automatically into specific folders based on either the task type or date type relating to that task. Depending upon your requirements, you can specify these settings within the Task Type or the Date Type screen:

  • Task Type

    Contracts -> Maintain Task Types -> Edit -> Contract Workflow tab

    A default value set on a TaskType can be overridden for contract reminder tasks automatically generated for a specific Date Type.

  • Date Type
    Contracts -> Maintain Date Types -> Edit -> Task Workflow tab

    A default value set on a Date Type will override the default value set for a linked Task Type.

Step 3 - Sorting Documents into Folders

Contract Screen - Upload

Contract Screen - Drag and Drop

You can drag and drop documents into / out of folders.

Task Screen

Here is an example of how a Task with a default folder setup will appear:

Access Privileges

By default, only Power Users or System Administrators can use the Maintain Document Folders screen. A System Administrator can enable this for other users by granting the "Document Folder - Add/Delete/Edit" access privilege to an existing Security Group or creating a new group with this privilege.

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