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Business Number Lookups
Written by Contract Eagle
Updated over 4 months ago

Business Number Lookups (NZBN and ABN)

Contract Eagle is integrated with the Australian Business Register and New Zealand Business Register to enable search for company name and business number details. Also, in the case of the New Zealand Business Register, we can find address details too.

How do I use this feature?

Step 1 - Enable the feature

  1. Open the System Preferences screen: Admin β†’ System Preferences.

  2. Select the Integrations tab.

  3. Tick the checkboxes to enable these settings.

  4. NOTE for custom forms: We enable this feature in custom forms by adding a new button into your form definition. Contract Eagle support will do this for you freely upon request.

Step 2 - Add a New Counterparty

When adding a new Counterparty, you will see the options ABN Lookup and/or NZBN lookup, depending upon which options you have enabled.

Step 3 - Click ABN Lookup or NZBN Lookup

You will then see a screen like the following (similar for Australia and New Zealand) and be able to search by the name of the business.

NOTE: Differences in New Zealand vs Australia:

  • The New Zealand register provides business names in upper case, it also provides the business addresses, which can be saved in Contract Eagle by selecting the preferred address from the drop down list.

  • The Australian register is inconsistent in the way it capitalises business names.

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