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Send contracts for signature

How to send the files attached to your contract for signature using Contract Eagle and your electronic signing provider

Written by Contract Eagle
Updated over a week ago

Audience: Read-Write Users

First, enter or search for your contract in Contract Eagle. You can send documents for signing from the following views:

  • in the Contract Maintenance screen, after adding a new contract or editing an existing one, using the Save and Sign button; or

  • from the Contract Preview or View screen, using the Prepare for Signing button.

After clicking “Prepare for Signing” or “Save and Sign”, Contract Eagle will display a list of files uploaded against your contract. Each file eligible for signature will have a check box. Eligibility will depend on your signing provider’s file type restrictions, and the document’s current signing status.

Tick the box(es) of the documents you wish to send for signature.

Click the button to Send to [Signing provider]. Your signing provider’s name will be displayed on the button:

Having clicked the "Send to …" button in Contract Eagle, your signing provider’s screen will launch in the browser and allow you to prepare your document for signing.

Microsoft Word Documents

Signing providers convert Microsoft Word documents to PDF prior to signing. During this conversion any embedded fields in the document are updated (i.e. performs the same updates as if you had opened the document in MS Word, selected the entire document and pressed F9). This can result in the contents and/or layout of the signed document differing to the Microsoft Word document uploaded to the signing provider.

To prevent any unexpected changes to the document, Contract Eagle converts Microsoft Word documents to PDF before sending to the signing provider. This conversion process specifically does not update embedded fields in the MS Word document.

Previously Signed Documents

We recommend that documents should be signed by all parties within a single session (envelope).

Recommended Actions

  • On the confirmation dialog, select the "Cancel" option.

  • Remove the partially signed document from Contract Eagle and replace it with the original, unsigned version.

  • Resend the original document to all parties for re-signing within a single signing session (envelope).


When a PDF document is electronically signed, a digital signature is encoded into the document in addition to the visible signature image that you can see on the document.

Previously recorded Digital Signatures may be lost when sending a partially signed document for additional signatures - although the visible signatures on the document might appear fine, the integrity of the electronically signed document will be compromised.

The digital signature includes the signing provider details, an identifier of the signing session, who the document was signed by and the date signed. It forms an important part of the traceability and security of an electronically signed document.

Contract Eagle will detect when a PDF document has been previously signed. This might occur if, for example, the document had been sent to one party for signing and then this signed version of the document was re-loaded into Contract Eagle and sent to additional parties for signing.

When an existing electronic signature is detected on the document, the Available for Signing? column will display:

  • "Available for signing but has an existing digital signature"

and a confirmation dialog will be displayed if a previously signed document is selected for sending to the signing provider.

Working in your Signing Provider's screen

From this point, you will use your signing provider's native screens to set up your document for signing and send it. Different signing providers will have slightly different processes. For specific instructions on how to set up your particular documents, refer to your signing provider’s help files or resources. 

As a general guide, you will do the following steps in your signing provider’s screen, (and not necessarily in this order):

  1. specify the signatories (or other recipients) of your documents with names and email addresses;

  2. insert placeholders for signatures, initials or other details on the page(s) or document(s), as required for each signatory; and

  3. use the standard email text or template; or add your own custom email message for the recipients.

Once you’ve prepared your document(s) for signature, take the final Send action in your signing provider and you will be returned to a Contract Preview screen of your contract where you can monitor the signing status of your documents. 

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