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Contract Status and the Signing Process

You may choose to set up your contract status to change during and after the signing process. Here's how

Written by Contract Eagle
Updated over a week ago

Audience: Power Users and System Administrators
You may wish to use a contract's status to track when a contract is being signed. This can be particularly helpful when users are viewing their Dashboards: their contract list can display the contract status so they can tell at a glance what stage a contract is at:

Overall, contract statuses can be changed:

  • manually - as part of a normal contract edit;

  • automatically - as part of an Approval Workflow; or

  • automatically - as contract documents are signed or being signed.

When you set up electronic signing, you can specify a status to be applied automatically to a contract during and after signing. 

The two statuses - during and after - can be set up per contract type, or globally across all contract types. 

Create status types

Before assigning status types, you may need to create them. By default, your system has three status types: Open, Closed and Cancelled. You may have added more status types to your database. Either way, a Power User will need to check what status types are available and, if required, create new status types for signing. 

Refer to our article on Maintain Status Types to see how to create new status types and manage existing ones.

Set status based on signing - all contract types

Setting a global signing status means any contract type which has electronic signing set up will use the same statuses during and after signing.

This step needs to be done by a System Administrator:

1. Go to the Admin menu > System Preferences > Integrations tab.

2. Scroll down to the Signing Workflow section.
3. In the two drop-down fields ("during" and "after"), you will see a list of all contract statuses, including any that you have just set up. Select the appropriate status for each stage, eg:

  • Status during Signing = "Signing in Progress", or "Being Signed", etc. 

  • Status after All Signed = "Executed", "Signing Complete" or even just "Open".

4. Click Save.

Do I have to set up a signing status?

Not at all, it's an option. If you choose to leave one or both of these fields blank, contracts will still be subject to a status change as part of a normal contract edit or Approval Workflow. They just won't have their status changed automatically during signing.

Set status based on signing - per contract type

Even if you have a global setting for contract status, you can use a different status per contract type. 

This step can be done by a Power User:

1. Go to the Contracts menu > Maintain Contract Types.
2. From the list, click the contract type where you wish to specify a specific signing status.
3. In the contract type edit screen, go to the Documents tab.
4. Under the "Document sorting" option are the two drop-downs for signing status. Select an appropriate status for "Status during Signing" and "Status after All Signed".
5. Click Save

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