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Advanced Contract Search

Narrow your search results by searching for a particular contract type, contract owner, date, user-defined field, status or other field

Written by Contract Eagle
Updated over 4 years ago

Audience: all users

The Advanced Contract Search allows multiple search filters to be combined to return a more refined result set.

To use Advanced Contract Search, click the Contracts menu > Searching/Reporting > Advanced Contract Search tab. Enter your search term(s) using the guidelines below. Remember you can combine search filters as you wish.

TIP: whether you prefer to use the Basic or Advanced search tab, Contract Eagle will remember the tab you used previously and display it automatically the next time you use the search screen.

Search by... 

Contract ID

To find one particular contract, enter its numeric contract ID in this field and click Search

If the Show related contracts box is checked then your search will return that contract plus any related master or child agreements. The example below has returned contract ID 1029 and its two related contracts:

Contract Type | Counterparty | Business Unit | Approval Status

The search results will be restricted to the contract type(s), counterparties, business units and/or approval status(es) as selected in each of these search filters. Use one or more of these filters as required.

Click in the required field and select one or more option from the list. To remove a selected option, click the x to the left of its name. To clear all selections from a field, click the X on the right of the field. 

Counterparty Tip:
Instead of using the Counterparty field, you can enter all or part of a counterparty name as a keyword / value search in either the Advanced or Basic search screen. 

Business Unit Tip:
Only contracts belonging to your accessible business units will be displayed. Your accessible business units are determined by the Security Administrator, via the User Maintenance Screen.


The search results will be restricted to the contract status as selected from the status list. Depending on your configuration, the default status is "All Active contracts" and will return only contract with an internal status of "Open".
If you use the X on the right-hand side to clear the status field, "All Statuses" will be displayed by default; this search will return contracts of any status. 

The "All inactive contracts" option will restrict the search result to those contracts having an internal status of "Closed" or "Cancelled".

Use this to search for specific contracts depending on the roles that have been assigned.

The first field allows the search to be restricted to a specific role. The default selection on this list is Any Role. Use the drop-down list to select a specific role, eg "Contract Owner", etc. 

The second field - "Please select a value" - allows the search to be restricted according to the role assignment. The available options are:

No Selection / "Please select a value": will find any contract.
Assigned: The role has been assigned to somebody. The combination of Any Role with Assigned will find any contract that has at least one role assigned.
Assigned to me: The role has been assigned to the current user.
Not Assigned: The role has not been assigned.
The remaining options are specific users.  

This search will return all contracts where the current user has been assigned any role:

Search by keyword / value

This is used when the search value is a word, phrase, date or number contained within the contract record. 

The keyword search will search through the contract title, summary, attached documents, user defined fields, and dates (next date or previous date only). It also provides the special option of searching for events due within the next n days. 

Additional keyword filters may be combined within a single search by clicking the Add another row option. 

See our separate article on Using the Keyword / Value search for more information on this search option.  

Working with Search Results

Having performed a search, you have the option to view or edit contracts (depending on your Read Write permissions), produce reports and show related contracts.

Click on any individual contract in the list of search results to open the contract in Edit mode - you don't have to click the Edit button, just clicking on the row itself is sufficient. If you don't have edit permissions, the contract will open in View mode. If you do have edit permissions, you'll need to click the separate View button to open in View mode. 

If you click the Relations button next to any contract in the list of search results, you'll perform another search for all contracts related to the indicated contract. This would include any master or child contracts.

The Reports button displays a list of reports which will be produced for the contracts listed in the search results. Each report is available in PDF, HTML, Excel and RTF format. 

The Clear button removes your existing search criteria so you can perform a fresh search in the same screen.

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