This video will guide you through how Approval Rules work in Contract Eagle.
To get started:
Go to Contracts menu > Maintain Approval Rules.
Click on an existing approval rule from the list to Edit it, or click the New button on the right-hand side to create a new Approval Rule.
Specify whether the Approval Rule will apply to:
a) contracts within a particular Business Unit, or
b) a specific Contract Type, or
c) any contract with a particular Status, or
d) any combination of the above, eg "All Confidentiality Agreements with a status of Review Requested", etc.Indicate whether the Approval Rule applies to new contracts and/or edits to contracts.
Allow or disallow Self-Approval - this allows the user who creates or edits the contract to approve it.
Select Approvers based on either contract role, or select specific users in your organization, or a combination of both.
Set the status for the contract after approval, and after rejection.
To create a multi-step approval rule, set the "Status after approval" to one that will trigger another approval rule.