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Allocate licenses to your users

How to manage and distribute User Access Licenses among your users

Written by Contract Eagle
Updated over 4 years ago

Audience: System Administrators for customers on limited user license plans

If you have a limited number of Contract Eagle licenses, you can choose which users you will allocate a license to. A user does not need a license to login to Contract Eagle, however they do need a license to access their Dashboard, contracts, tasks or counterparties. 

NB: if you have a user who only needs to carry out system administrator tasks, and does not need access to contracts, they will not need a User Access License. See details below.

Manage User Access Licenses

1. Go to the Admin menu > Maintain UALs.

2. Here you will see a list of all Active users. At the top you will see a summary of the number of licenses allocated, and available:

3. Tick/check the users you wish to allocate a license to. To remove a license from a user who no longer needs it, uncheck the box next to their name. 

While working in this screen you can tick or check more users than you have licenses for, but you cannot click Save until the number allocated is less than or equal to the number of available licenses. 

You do not have to allocate all your available licenses. 

4. When you have made your allocations, click Save at the top of the screen. 

Manage Users who only need System Administrator functions

A user who will only be a system administrator - and not access any contract information - does not need a User Access License. For example, you may have someone in your IT team who needs to set up new users, Business Units, etc, but doesn't need to access contracts, tasks or counterparties. You need to ensure such a user has system administrator permissions, but you can remove any license allocated to them using the steps above. 

Here's how to set up a new account for a such a team member:

1. Go to Admin > Maintain Users and click New to create a new account. Enter the name and email address details as usual.

2. Click the link to Set up Application Access, but untick the box for a Contract Eagle User Access License:

3. Tick the Business Units they need access to, and follow the link Click here to assign privileges.

4. Ensure they have System Administrator privileges on their selected Business Unit(s). 

5. Click OK on the user permissions screen.

6. Click Save to create your new system administrator's user account.

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