Audience: Power Users
Contract Eagle comes with pre-built email templates to enable you to get up and running quickly with reminder emails.
If you want to be able to tailor the email templates used by Contract Eagle, this article will guide you through this process. You can assign font styling, colouring, branding and insert variables from the contract or task.
Steps to Customize Email Templates
1 - Go to Contracts menu > Maintain Task Types > Edit > Custom email message tab.
2 - On this tab, you'll find the following sections:
General Email Settings
The General Email Settings allow you to customize who the emails will be From. You can select from a list of Contract Eagle users within your organization.
Note: Customizing this setting requires support from your IT department, due to strict email sending requirements on the Internet.
Other Sections - From Contract Reminder to Completion of Task
Email notifications can be triggered for different events during the life of a task. When the tasks is:
generated from a contract reminder
escalated, through not being claimed
created manually
claimed, reassigned or closed
At each of these stages, there is a choice to (1) send No Email, (2) use the Built-In Email, or (3) use a Custom Email.
3 - To create your own email select Custom Email and follow these steps:
Place your cursor in the "Email Subject" or "Email Message" field, depending on where you want to make changes.
Write your custom notification text. You can use copy/paste to bring in text from another program eg. Word or Outlook.
Click Insert Variable, then select any desired options from the dropdown, such as "Contract Title" or "Contract - Counterparty".
Save your changes.
Email Templates for Approval Workflow
To customize email templates for Approval Workflow you must enable the Manage Approval Flow as a Task within the Approval Rule screen. This will then allow you to use the Task Type screen to customize the email templates.