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Supplier Document Portal - tips for drafting your custom Email
Supplier Document Portal - tips for drafting your custom Email

Contract Eagle can remind suppliers to provide documentation. Here's our tips for writing an email they will be sure to engage with

Written by Contract Eagle
Updated over 6 months ago

Audience: Users in Supplier Management or Supplier Relationship; Users setting up the Supplier Document Upload Portal on Contract Eagle's Elite or Ultimate plan (or legacy plans “Professional” or “Enterprise”).

When you need to capture supplier documentation on a periodic basis, Contract Eagle's Supplier Document Portal allows you to set up:

  • an automated reminder email to your supplier

  • a link for them to upload the relevant file; and

  • the ability to check what has been uploaded, and monitor what hasn't yet.

But when your Suppliers receive the automated email, will they comply? Will they provide the correct document promptly, or will they forget about your email three seconds after it arrives?

Using a Custom Task Type, you can customize the reminder email that your suppliers will receive. Rather than rely on a system-generated email, you take the opportunity to write a compelling and engaging message to suppliers to increase the likelihood that they will provide you with the document you need. Here are our best tips for writing such an email and some examples (good and bad) below:

Subject Line

Aim for "Urgency, with personality".

It's time to send us an updated Insurance Certificate

With a friendly, human touch, your subject will sound less system-generated and you are likely to get better engagement from your supplier.

However, a sense of urgency is very important, and we recommend including the due date in the subject line. There's every chance your supplier won't be able to action the email as soon as they see it, but if that due date sits visibly in their Inbox, it is more likely to drive action. If there's no due date, your recipient will just think they need to provide it "sometime". Ha ha :)

To reinforce a "Don't ignore" tone in your email, you can prefix your subject line with something as simple as the word "Important: ".

You can choose whether to name the specific document that needs uploading in your subject line, or simply leave it as "an updated supplier document".

Important: it's time to send us an updated Insurance Certificate by 10/09/2021

Body of the message

You could categorize the points below as either Good Cop (we can help you with this 😊) or Bad Cop (don't ignore this email! 😡). You need a bit of both in your email - engage your supplier with personality, but remind them that this is important and not to be ignored.

Write in human, concise sentences; don't waffle, but do be clear and personable. At any time if you are tempted to add more details, but they feel like they are bogging down your message, put them towards the end of the email.

1. State the most important action up front. Namely, "We need you to provide a document". This is more about the desired outcome than the steps involved, so don't open with "We need you to click this link".

2. Include the due date - as per the notes above regarding a due date in the subject line.

3. State the importance of this request. Eg: "For us to continue to trade with you".

That's more than just motivation for your suppliers, it's actually true. Presumably you have a requirement to hold such documentation for anyone you trade with - so let them know that. As with step 1, keep it more meta than "we need this to keep our records up-to-date". Your supplier might not be motivated by your file keeping demands but they sure will about the prospect of losing a customer.

4. Make it sound easy to comply...

"Just click the link below and follow the prompts on-screen".

5. … but consider including more detailed help, such as an attachment on how to work through the steps of the upload portal.

6. Offer a human lifeline… "You can get in touch with us - we are happy to help". Be clear about whether they can click Reply, or should get in touch another way if you are using a noreply email address.

7. … but do repeat the "Don’t Ignore" message.

8. Details at the end. You can include further details of the document/contract after all the points above. Don't let the detail dilute your message, especially the points you need to raise in steps 1 to 3, above.

9. Parting Shot - optional. If your organization faces some risk to health and safety through using suppliers without certification, it doesn't hurt to remind your suppliers of this by letting them imagine they are one of your customers. If they were spending money with you, wouldn't they expect a level of care and diligence around supplier management?

Read it back to yourself

Now that you've drafted a punchy subject line and some compelling copy, read the message yourself in the shoes of one of your busy, skeptical suppliers. Read it as your biggest supplier, and as your smallest, Mom & Pop supplier.

Read it on your mobile device.

It's a good idea to also send the message to a busy, skeptical co-worker (ideally one who deals with your company's customers).

When you and your co-worker are reading your email, is it clear:

  • what you have to do?

  • what will happen if you don't?

  • who you can contact for help?


Ultimately it will be down to you and your organization to write an email which best carries your message to your suppliers in your own communication brand. But yes, we do have a couple of examples for you - a good and a not-so-good.

The Good:


Subject: Important - it's time to send us an updated document - due 05/04/2021

Dear Frank,

As one of our suppliers, we need you to provide us with certain documentation from time to time. Right now we need you to send through an updated Insurance Certificate. Please provide this document to us by 05/04/2021, so that we can continue to do business with you.

To send us this document, simply click the link below and follow the prompts on-screen.

We've also attached a PDF guide on how to sign-in to our Supplier Document Upload Portal and upload a file.

Need Help?

If you get stuck, or you're not sure what's required, please don't ignore this email. It's very important we receive this document, and we are happy to help you if you need a hand! Get in touch with us on or phone 02 8987 5545 during office hours. Note that this email address is not monitored, so please don't Reply to this message.

Keeping up-to-date documentation is not just an important facet of our relationship with suppliers; it's essential to maintain the trust that our young people place in us to care for their needs to the best of our ability. We appreciate your assistance and look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

The Team at Customer.Com

The Bad:


Subject: Supplier Document Due - Supply Agreement with Wellington Digital Inc


Our records show that the Insurance Certificate we hold for you is going to expire. Please provide an updated Insurance Certificate. Due date: 24/4/2021.

Click the link below, then enter your email address, then submit to get a one-time sign-in PIN and sign back in. Click the upload button, browse to your file, click OK and then Submit.

Please reply if you have any questions.

Kind regards

The Team at Customer.Com

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