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Work with your Tasks - Claim, Reassign and Close
Work with your Tasks - Claim, Reassign and Close

When Tasks are assigned to you, you should claim them or reassign them. Once the work's done, they can be closed. Here's how

Written by Contract Eagle
Updated over a week ago

Audience - standard users

When a Task is assigned to you, you should claim or reassign it as soon as possible. This sends a message to your team either that you will be responsible for it, or, that it should sit with someone else. It also stops any possible escalation that might be set up, where your manager is notified that you haven't claimed a task yet.

Before you Claim - which contract?

If you receive a Task and click the link to action it, where can you see which contract this relates to?

  1. Go to the Task from the email or your Dashboard

  2. To see more details on the contract, click Actions in the top-right and select either View Contract or Edit Contract. You can also access these buttons at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Once you've reviewed the contract, click OK to return to the Task action buttons.

Claim a Task

  1. Go into the Task, either from the link in the email or your dashboard.

  2. Click Claim - then Confirm. It's two clicks - so you can't accidentally take on a piece of work.

Now when you look at your Dashboard, the Task will appear as "Claimed". And when your team looks at the Team Dashboard, they can see you claimed it:

If the task was assigned to multiple people, when it is claimed by one user, the others will be sent an email notifying them who has claimed the task.

Reassign a Task

If a Task shouldn't sit with you, you should reassign it to someone else. Reassigning the task means everyone in your team can see who's supposed to be looking after this piece of work.

  1. Go into the Task and click Reassign.

  2. Select a Contract Eagle user to reassign the Task to.

  3. Enter a comment. This comment will appear in the body of the email sent to the person you are reassigning the task to.

  4. Click Reassign.

On the Team Dashboard, you and your team will see the task as having been reassigned.

Note that a reassigned task still needs to be claimed to avoid any escalation email.

You can't claim a task on behalf of someone else - they need to do it under their own Contract Eagle login. But if you are a Cloud customer, they can do it from any mobile device, just by following the link from the email.

Complete or Close a Task

Here we'll look separately at Standard Tasks and Document Request Tasks.

Close a Standard Task

For a standard task, once you've done the work required - renewed that contract, terminated that lease, whatever it might be - follow these steps to close the task:

  1. Click into the Task to see the action buttons.

  2. Click Complete.

  3. Enter a comment if you wish, and click Close.

Close a Document Request Task

A document task can only be closed by attaching a file to the task. If you really have nothing to attach, you should reassign the task. To close a document task:

  1. Click into the Task to see the Action buttons.

  2. Click Attach document

  3. Now click Choose Files

  4. Load File and add a description or version number against the uploaded files.

  5. When you're done, Close Task.

Now the task will disappear from the dashboard. If you ever need to go back to that Task to view or manage it, you can use Task Search to track it down. Click here to see how to use Task Search.

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